Behind the Scenes: Celestial Farmer Princess
The Official Celestial Farmer Princess by RORSHAK
Welcome to a quick tour of the behind the scenes pictures of the Celestial Farmer Princess photo shoot. Earth Day is Friday, April 22, 2016. I asked Caylin Cervetti, who stars as the Celestial Farmer Princess, if she had a good idea for how to unveil this epic photograph and she brilliantly suggested releasing it on Earth Day. Perhaps there is no greater way to illustrate mankind's role on the planet than this single frame story of a girl caring for the plants and animals of her own small plantet. This image was a beast to create, and here are the cell phone snaps to give you a peak at how the sausage was made! Please note that Caylin appears in a Prophetik dress ( When I was looking for just the right dress for a princess who knows how to get her hands dirty and still look great doing it, the folks at Prophetik had just what I needed.
You may recognize some familiar leafy greens in the set. Indeed, the princess has a bountiful supply of good things to nourish her. When the lighting is all set, and the camera position dialed in, the illusion is really fun. I hope you dig it! A special thanks belongs to Caylin Cervetti for starring as the princess, and Tony Richardson, who helped me make a version of the final that is capable of printing as large as a house.